The Friday Club

From August 2017 for kindergarten children
Costs and Agreements from August 2017 (start new school year)

Every Friday from 14:00 -17.00 we offer “English with Rhythm” to kindergarten children.

Costs 60.00 Fr. per Afternoon (3 ½ hours), 14.00 – 17.00


  • Arriving time for the children 13.30 – 14.00
  • Two lessons English à 45min
  • Rhythm with English
  • Movement with free playtime
  • Snack
  • Various material costs

Course fees

Course fees are to be paid at the beginning of each accounting period. Only the Friday afternoons where these English sessions are offered will be charged: the children registered for the Friday Club do not pay during school holidays or on public holidays. However, there is a possibility to register the children during the holidays as the kita offers playtime and rhythm for all children.

Contractual agreements

2 accounting periods:

  • August to February
  • March to July


  • Childcare possibility during the school holidays
  • Only offered Friday afternoons are to be paid


The lessons are based on the Wädenswiler school holidays. During the school holidays the kita will also offer (kita opening times) rhythm and playtime including snack for the children who don’t  participate in the English program.


Resignations should be sent in writing at least one month before the end of the semester period, this means by the 10th of January or the 10th of June.  Otherwise there will be a 50% charge of the course fees for one more semester.

Taster days are possible.